Energetic Cords and Past Lives – The Path to Soul Healing

Energetic Cords and Past Lives – The Path to Soul Healing


Have you ever looked at someone and instantly felt a connection to them? Or maybe you have an irrational fear of flying but have no idea how you acquired it. These events are not a coincidence, they most likely have a connection to a past life. 

We are eternal souls existing in this human experience. Our physical vessels are our body, but our soul holds the key to so much more. Once we learn to tap into this subconscious world, we begin to learn the ins and outs of who we truly are. Every heartbreak, every injury, and every event that has happened in this life and other lives all play a part in this big puzzle that life seemingly is. 

With each past life, we acquire energetic cords, some are dissolved when you pass on, but the others stay with you well into your current life. This is mainly due to unresolved or unhealed trauma that this person has caused you, and the energy gets stuck within your auric field. 

We also can acquire energetic cords within this lifetime, but the good about that is you can cut the cords. It may be easier to cut the energetic cords with someone from this life since you are aware of the connection, but it becomes a bit harder when the unwanted energy in your auric field exists from a previous lifetime. 

This is where energy healing steps in, it can work through any residual cords that may be attached to you and can help rid of them for good. 

Defining Past Lives and Reincarnation 

If you’re still new to the concept of past lives, don’t worry, when it comes to reincarnation and energy healing there are a lot of moving parts; it can be hard to remember what this all means!

For starters, it’s important to know that outside of our earthly physical realm time and space cease to exist. I know what you’re thinking… how can this be? From our human perspective, everything is linear. Time, days, months, year- these are all linear timelines. 

Outside of our earth, whenever we get into higher dimensions, this linear timetable doesn’t exist. Our linear system is because our human brain can’t comprehend anything else, it’s just ingrained within our system to operate this way. 

Our souls on the other hand are energetic, not like our physical human bodies. Our souls live in a reality where all versions of ourselves are happening simultaneously. Whereas we perceive our life as beginning at birth and ending at death.


Our souls have undergone this birth and death sequence before, which can seem hard to believe especially if there is fear around dying. Take comfort in the fact you never really die, it’s the physical vessel that does, but not the soul. 

This is where reincarnation comes into play. Once we cease to exist in one lifetime, when the soul is ready, it will begin a new life time in a new body. Once this happens, the life you just lived is now your past life or “alternate life”. 

How Does the Soul Choose Each Life? 

There are a few ways the soul decides which life it wants to live next. It can be a combination of factors such as what the most recent life was like, what lessons need to be learned, and what residual energies (or cords) are still attached. For example, if the last life the soul lived was traumatic like a war zone, it may choose to live a peaceful life as a Buddhist monk next. 

Of course, on an energetic level, there is more to this, but that gives you a small example of the process of reincarnation. 

With each lifetime, your soul sets out to learn lessons, experience new things, and learn as much as it can. This is why some spiritualists call earth a “school”; because on a soul level, we set out to gather as much knowledge as we can within each lifetime. 

How to Access Our Past Lives? 

There are two popular methods by which you can learn more about your alternate lives. You can either do a past-life regression hypnosis session or find someone who specializes in reading Akashic Records. 

There are also guided meditations you can find that will walk you through the process of unlocking a past life, but before you do these types of meditations, be sure you are completely ready to learn about your past lives. Sometimes traumatic events happen in alternate lives that leave our soul wounded or scarred and seeing these events can create strong emotions or be hard to see. 

Working with an energy healer makes the process of unlocking past lives easier, at least on an emotional level. Having someone with you whenever you are reminded of rough events from a past life can help you work through the emotions that arise. 

In Michelle’s signature healing program, she helps you heal through any residual energies that may be stuck in your auric field. This includes events and energies from past lives that may have a strong hold on you. 

How Events Affect Us from a Past Life? 

Think about how many events or situations you have gone through in your current life. Now, put that into a perspective of even 10 lifetimes- that is a lot to sort through! With each traumatic event, it’s important to work and heal through them. Of course, in each life time there may be events that you never fully heal from, but unfortunately, these energies don’t just disappear. 

Let’s say, for example, you come into this lifetime with a fear of flying. Nothing happened in this current lifetime for that fear to be there, it’s just something that you were born with. It’s possible that in a past life, you were a pilot when a plane crashed, or you were even a passenger when a plane crashed. Maybe it was a sudden death, therefore you never had a chance to heal from it on a physical level. 

That trauma is now stored within your chakras or auric field, and it can present itself physically or emotionally until it’s properly healed. This is an example of a situation that may have caused harm, but what about our energetic ties to people? 

Energetic Cords: What are They and How Do They Form? 

Within each life, we form energetic cords with people. They are made up of energy and connect two people’s bodies, much like an umbilical cord. It’s a transfer of emotional and life force energy between two individuals, and it doesn’t matter how far away from are from one another. 

Take a moment and think about a time when you thought of someone just for them to pop up on your phone “randomly” or you cross paths with them on the street. You can brush this off as a coincidence, but what if you thought about each other at the same time because of your energetic cord attached to one another? 

This idea is not far-fetched, especially because whenever you reincarnate it’s usually with an entire set of souls. Meaning, your parents, friends, and lovers all agreed to incarnate with each other within the same time frame. The close connections you have in this lifetime most likely have appeared with you in another lifetime. 

With each passing life, you develop a strong connection with the people you incarnate with. There is a lot of history with these individuals that you may not be completely aware of. 

These energetic cords can form between lovers, friends, ex-lovers, co-workers, and even enemies. The most common is between lovers since there is a lot of intimacy and feelings involved. This is especially true if the relationship was co-dependent or had a lot of negative emotions or events behind the connection. 

Most of the time it’s the negative energetic cords that have the biggest hold on us. These negative energies attach themselves to us, and over time can deplete us or cause us emotional or in severe cases, physical pain. 

Not all energetic cords are bad, take for example the one shared between you and your soulmate. A soulmate connection usually is a positive event within our lives, and we can have multiple soulmates whether they be platonic or romantic connections. 

Energetic cords become negative whenever they deplete your energy, or it’s shared with someone who caused you a lot of pain or grief. 

How to Tell if You Share an Energetic Cord with Someone? 

Besides the obvious connections such as the one we share with parents or close friends; you may be wondering how to tell if you have an energetic cord with someone. An energy healer may be able to help you the best with figuring this out, but there are a few signs to look out for. 

If you’ve had a romantic relationship with someone and it ended badly, whether it be because they were abusive or cheating was involved, you could still have a tie with this person. The negative cord attachments we share with people are the trickiest to get rid of, think of it as a leech trying to suck your energy from you. 

This energetic cord could be apparent whenever you try to move on from this person, especially if you find it hard to open up with someone else. Typically, when we have a negative attachment to someone it’s hard to move past the connection completely. In some way, they have a hold over you- whether it be your inability to move on or maybe you continue to attract similar types of people. 

An energy or reiki master can help you heal these wounds caused by someone else and can work to remove the energetic cord effectively. It doesn’t mean the connection you had with this person ceases to exist, but instead the cord they are bonded to you by is removed. This helps you move on and heal from any harm they may have caused you. 

This also is beneficial because if you’ve effectively cut the energetic cord with the person with whom you shared a negative connection, it’s likely in your next life you won’t have this cord still attached to you. If done right, your soul will be able to continue evolving in this lifetime and any future lives without the energy of this person holding you back. 

Energetic cords can attach to any of the chakras, which is why it’s so important to be aware of the various energy centers. Whatever chakra this energetic cord is attached to can cause mental, physical, or spiritual discomfort in the area it’s connected to. For example, if attached to your Throat Chakra, the negative energetic cord will manifest in the areas connected to this chakra. 

Are All Energetic Cords Bad? 

As mentioned before, you can have positive connections with people from this lifetime or past lifetimes. Take, for example, your best friend. You have likely both established a positive energetic cord from a previous lifetime that keeps you connected in all the other lifetimes you both share. 

In this case, the energetic cord between both of you shouldn’t affect you in any negative way. Instead, as your connection grows stronger with each life, so does the energy behind the cord you share. 

This may be the reason why we’re able to pick up on the energy of our loved ones so easily because we share a sort of “psychic” connection with them. A connection that has lasted throughout many incarnations. 

Final Thoughts on Past Lives and Energetic Cords 

If you feel as if you may have a negative attachment that is clouding your auric field, be sure to check out reiki healing, like Michelle’s signature session She carefully moves through each chakra to remove any negative or unwanted attachments that may be holding your soul back from evolving like it sets out to do. 

If you allow yourself to be open to this type of energy healing, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated on a deep level.


Michelle Cortez
Michelle Cortez

Naturally gifted intuitive, Michelle has a heightened awareness of the energy and feelings of others from an early age. Her inspiration for becoming a Certified Usui Reiki & Crystal Master Teacher stems from her empathetic and compassionate nature. She is a Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Clairaudient, claircognizant Empath, Spiritual Healer, and Life coach.

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